“While bullets are a devastating cause of death, the suffering they bring in life is equally tragic.”

Bullet Points:

  • In 2017, more children died of bullet related injuries than military and police combined. 

  • Bullet Related Injuries are the second leading cause of death in children ages 1 - 18. 

  • Only 1-2% of bullet related injuries come from mass shootings. 

  • For those who survive being shot, bullets are often left inside the body. 

  • Suffering and pain peak 3 - 7 days after a person is shot because of the body’s natural inflammatory response, usually long after the victim has left the ER. 

  • Retained bullets lead to higher rates of depression. 

  • Retained bullets may lead to lead poisoning.

  • The #1 risk factor of being shot is having been shot. 

  • This year, the number of casualties, along with the overall number of shootings that have killed or injured at least one person, exceeds those of the first five months of 2020, which finished as the deadliest year of gun violence in at least two decades.